A graphics server for SuperCollider
Project maintained by scgraph
Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
This is the current home of SCGraph, a graphics server for SuperCollider.
Current features:
- writing and playing SynthDefs with graphics rate UGens (e. g. a cube:
- shaders
- loading and displaying textures
Planned features include:
- loading and handling textures and videos like scsynth audio buffers
- loading 3d models
- displaying and handling fonts and strings
- some new 3d primitives (spheres, meshes, teapots...)
- support for sclang Ndef's
Authors and Contributors
Current maintainer: @mortuosplango
Original author: @fps
What does that all mean? What can I do with it?
Some videos:
Support or Contact
Feel free to open issues and fork as needed.
If you have any other questions or comments, please contact @mortuosplango.